Week in Review
Accountability and transparency matter when it comes to politics. Politicians can’t be their own judge and jury when serious problems arise within their own ranks.
That’s why I’m proud Alberta Party MLA Karen McPherson (Calgary-Mackay-Nose Hill) has written to the Speaker of the House to ask for an independent probe into shocking news that the NDP government secretly investigated and sanctioned two of their own MLAs for sexual misconduct behind closed doors. Read more here. Even worse, Premier Rachel Notley is refusing to disclose the names of the two MLAs citing concerns that it would jeopardize the privacy of the victims.
“Withholding information about the process used to discipline the offenders does a disservice to the public…as many survivors will tell you, sexual assault and sexual misconduct thrive in secrecy,” McPherson wrote in her letter to the Speaker of the House.
In other news:
We nominated two more incredible candidates this week bringing the total to 44 on our way to 87. Please welcome Kristie Gomuwka and Katherine O’Neill to #teamalbertaparty!
Kristie will be carrying the Alberta Party banner in West Yellowhead. The Edson resident is the executive director of a non-profit, an Edson Citizen of the Year winner and a passionate homelessness and housing advocate. Please take a moment to connect with Kristie on Facebook Twitter
Katherine O’Neill is our candidate for Edmonton-Riverview. Katherine was a former national correspondent with the Globe and Mail and covered stories across Canada and even the battlefields of Afghanistan in 2008. The mother of three currently owns a small communications business and is a long-time community volunteer in her home riding of Edmonton-Riverview. Please take a moment to connect with Katherine on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- The Alberta Party Camrose CA is hosting a "Meet The Candidate Nominees” event on Nov. 26 in Camrose at the Gravity Lounge. Stephen Mandel will be attending. Hope to see you there! All are welcome.
- Get involved today by attending one of our Alberta Party events scheduled across the province. From a Grey Cup party to candidate fundraisers to holiday parties, there is something for everyone. Bring a friend and help us build our party from the ground up!