Celebrating Pride Month 2021

Alberta Party

June 03, 2021


Pride is a time to celebrate the successes of all those who have worked and continue to work towards equality. And while it is important to celebrate those achievements, it is also important to reflect on the journey as an opportunity to learn.

The work of building a truly inclusive world is still ongoing, as LGBTQ2SIA+ people aren’t always free or feel free to be themselves. But we are committed to working towards that goal by engaging with community members to better understand the struggles they still experience and work towards remedying inequality and injustice. 

“We all have the power to speak up and change things. And with the power to speak up, also comes the power to listen and learn. It is though educating ourselves that we can aim to be better and ensure Alberta is welcoming to everyone” -Anthony Castillo, CFO - Alberta Party 


“Pride is a time to celebrate but more importantly listen. We need to hear the challenges of LGBTQ2SIA+ people, and ensure it is their voices we hear. Love is love” -Acting Leader Jacquie Fenske 


Take time this June to support the organizations in your area who are working hard to build more inclusive and equal communities. With the current restrictions there are few Pride celebrations and they can use your support. We are stronger together.