
Meet the Alberta Party

Tired of angry, divisive politics that seems hopelessly stuck in the past? The Alberta Party is a fresh, positive and creative approach to getting things done in Alberta.

We’re made up of problem-solvers and innovators who aim to tackle our challenges using real-world experience and practical solutions—not ideology or dogma.

We stand for fiscal responsibility—understanding our tax dollars aren’t unlimited and need to be spent wisely on important public services.

We believe that Alberta is at its best when our fierce entrepreneurial spirit is being nurtured—not stifled—by government.

We protect human rights, value diversity and welcome everyone to the table.

Lastly, the Alberta Party has a bold economic plan that ensures prosperity and opportunity for all.

Join us as we build an Alberta ready for the next century, together.

Now that you’ve met us, what does the Alberta Party stand for?

  • Diversifying our economy with a six-point plan that hones our strengths, including the agri-food and artificial intelligence sectors.
  • Educating our children so they are prepared for the new economy.
  • Creating an ambitious growth plan for rural Alberta.
  • Preparing for our aging population with creative and cutting-edge solutions.
  • Developing an Alberta Energy Vision that ensures a fair price for our oil and gas.
  • Less government interference and regulations for small business.


We will form a government committed to diversity, integrity, transparency and collaboration. As leaders of positive change, we value inclusiveness, ideas over ideologies, and champion economic, environmental and social responsibility.


We will:

  • Model responsible and ethical government.
  • Generate and implement practical, constructive solutions through listening, citizen engagement, evidence-based policy and building common ground.
  • Tackle tough issues facing Albertans by examining root causes and maintaining a long-term view of prosperity and sustainability.
  • Act as guardians of the public interest.
  • Conduct ourselves in an open, transparent and accountable manner.
  • Steadfastly refuse to engage in short-sighted, politically motivated, partisan politics.
  • Provide economic, environmental and social leadership in order to benefit Alberta, Canada and the world.

Our Principles and Guidelines

The Alberta Party is committed to building a policy framework that is based on the following six key values:


We believe that private enterprise and entrepreneurship are the keys to our economic success. The government should foster an environment which facilitates economic investment, reduces red tape and encourages creativity.

Fiscal Responsibility

We believe that government must use public dollars as effectively and efficiently as possible. The government should balance the books and set aside money for a rainy day. This is best accomplished through long-term planning, common sense and transparency.

Social Responsibility

We believe every Albertan deserves the opportunity to succeed. Our government should aspire to provide excellent and innovative public education, public health care, and infrastructure, as well as a compassionate helping hand in times of need. We believe this can be accomplished through responsible use of public funds.


We believe that sustainability must be a core value of government. Rethinking unsustainable practices, making strategic investments in research and technology, and implementing smart policy choices will protect and enhance our environment for future generations.


We believe that public business should be conducted in public. Government should ensure that the legislative process is open, fair, transparent and inclusive of the people it governs. Our government should foster debate, actively engage citizens, and make itself accountable to the people it serves.

Quality of life

We believe that a great quality of life requires strong communities. Through support of recreation, sports, arts and culture, government can help to build strong and vibrant communities.