Negotiating in Good Faith

Mathew Preston

July 29, 2021


The Alberta Party calls on the UCP Government to withdraw public calls for AHS staff wage reductions and negotiate in good faith. Public pronouncements are about political posturing, not negotiating.

Minister of Finance Toews has told the media that there will be no negotiating with nurses and other AHS staff over wage reductions. Being a tough negotiator and telling the world there will be no negotiating are two very different things. Leaders bring people onside with their vision, they do not pick public fights. 

The Alberta Party holds fiscal responsibility as a core belief. But it cannot come at the expense of critical care for Albertans. Alberta is competing with provinces across the country for health care workers, including some jurisdictions offering signing bonuses. Rural Alberta is especially at risk of losing healthcare workers if they continue to be targeted by their government. 

Nurses are not political foes. They are a critical element of our health care system. Governments must sit down at a table and negotiate.

Acting Leader Jacquie Fenske:

“Albertans are tired of politicizing every element of public policy. By undertaking a public relations campaign against health care workers, this government is making a tough job - getting health care costs under control - even harder. 

“Making enemies is not a good way to succeed in politics. It is an even worse way to lead.”

Albertans need to know their government cares about them. That means all Albertans, nurses and other health care workers included. 

Leadership, not political maneuvering, is required if we are to negotiate in good faith to take care of Albertans and balance our books.