Myles Chykerda is a 4th generation rural Albertan born and raised in Stettler and Lacombe. He is part of a family with deep roots in farming, teaching, and the oil and gas industry. Family and community are central aspects of what the Chykerda clan believes in, and Myles has a long history of community engagement and accepting leadership roles in non-profit societies.

But Myles has not lived solely in rural areas and has spent time in Athens, Greece and Los Angeles. Living abroad allowed him to experience different cultures, but has always increased his appreciation for what we have in Alberta. While attending University of Alberta, he was an early adopter of downtown living, moving into a condo in the heart of Edmonton’s financial district in 2004.

While in Edmonton he met and became friends with numerous people that had been left behind by the boom. Individuals living on the street had been largely forgotten and left without anywhere to go for help or any aid to help them succeed. The idea of a hand-UP as opposed to a hand-out is something that strongly resonates with Myles.

Myles believes in a balanced society supported by an efficient government. The economy and ensuring Albertans have access to quality jobs is vital, and health care and education paramount, but non-profits and fine arts groups are equally important in the creation of a rich Alberta that can be enjoyed by all.

Myles is a professional archaeologist with Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees from UofA and a soon to be completed PhD from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). He has worked on projects in Alberta, Italy, and Greece, and focuses on understanding how complex societies form through an interaction of natural landscapes, urban development, and social memory. He also dabbles in museum exhibit design and had his work showcased early this year in the Diachonic Museum of Larissa, Greece.

Teaching is also a passion for Myles. While at UCLA, he instructed various courses ranging from Greek Archaeology to World Mythology. A core component of all these classes was ensuring students learned to think critically and analyze the world around them. He also participated regularly in outreach activities that brought archaeological artifacts and a passion for history and the ancient world to inner-city schools.

All his experiences have led Myles to believe in governance via open and transparent processes rooted in facts and logic. As the former Alberta Party candidate for Lacombe-Ponoka, he championed issues that matter to the area, including pragmatic solutions to rural crime, sustainable improvements to the region’s healthcare system, and building an efficient Government of Alberta that offers needed support to all Albertans.

Following the 2019 election, Myles joined the Alberta Party's Provincial Board, where he serves as Corporate Secretary.

Given his passion for learning, Myles is also proud to serve as the Alberta Party's Shadow Minister for Advanced Education.

You can explore Myles' research interests at!


Corporate Secretary and Bylaw and Constitutional Review Committee Co-Chair###Lacombe-Ponoka

Myles Chykerda's activity stream

  • donated 2022-05-02 09:41:09 -0600
  • donated 2022-10-06 20:29:54 -0600
  • wants to volunteer 2021-06-28 19:41:23 -0600

    Become a volunteer

    We need you to join Team Alberta Party.



    Our committees and constituency associations are always looking for people with a wide range of energy, skills and experience.  Reach out here and our Volunteer Engagement Team will be in touch with you.


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  • published Rebuilding Alberta in Vision 2020-06-29 11:35:50 -0600

    Rebuilding Alberta

    Albertans have been hit with unprecedented challenges this spring as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe and international oil prices collapsed.

    Families, businesses, and governments have faced levels of uncertainty not seen for decades. Despite this, Albertans are pulling together, supporting each other, and ensuring that those we care about remain safe.

    Alberta is blessed with resilient and talented entrepreneurs, skilled and educated individuals ready to get back to work, and support programs ready to aid in rebuilding.

    But things will not simply bounce back to where they were before. Oil prices will not magically rise to $100. We need a plan to ensure that all Albertans have a chance for meaningful, prosperous employment following the challenges we have faced in 2020.

    The Alberta Party has a plan.

    Rebuilding Alberta is a three phase plan to immediately get people back to work, empower our communities, embrace innovation, and transition our economy. The jobs lost all differ, by sector and by cause, and so the solutions must also differ. We have developed this plan through working with our talented Shadow Cabinet.

    As we move forward, we must be careful to ensure that we do not force timelines that may put our province at risk. Medical Experts, such as Dr. Deena Hinshaw, should be setting the pace for how quickly we re-open the economy. As it is safe to do so, we need to know how we'll get people back to work. Our plan is not when to re-open the economy but how to open it.