Lab Services and increasing costs in AHS - MLA Greg Clark

Jennifer Metituk

December 07, 2018


In question period MLA Greg Clark asks the Health Minister about the ballooning costs of bringing Lab Services in house. 

"The NDP have failed to focus the healthcare system on its core Business. That is delivering patient care. First it was bringing laundry services in house. at great expense then they decided to take over the proficient and professional outsourced Lab services."

"Management positions within AHS will expand significantly. Labs are brought back in house. Why are we increasing administration at a time when Albertans are demanding that we save."

Of the 6,218 positions listed the Minister was unable to report how many were new or existing position."

"The NDP continue to solve a problem we don't have. Adding thousands of management in an already top heavy system."



Watch the entire questioning here: