Economic Recovery Must Include All Albertans

ur mom

March 25, 2021


Alberta’s economic recovery must include provisions to support vulnerable Albertans and offer a path to affordable homes, strong mental health supports, job training and placement programs.

The Alberta Party calls for striking a government panel to study effective ways to empower Albertans through different options for social support.

The economic success of our province is the biggest concern for a vast majority of Albertans. Far too often, lost in the important discussion about economic growth, is consideration for those who need more than a tax credit or short-term program. Long-term, ongoing programs and engagement with communities is as much about economic success as it is about social policy.

A panel studying best practices and effective policies from around the world can make sure social supports empower those individuals needing housing, disability, or mental health supports. This panel would ensure economic and social policy are complementary.

“The current government has struck panels about the budget, Western alienation, health care, and post-secondary education. It is time we strike one that studies ways to directly support the Albertans who need it most.

“We must remember that the previous NDP government did little to better the position of vulnerable Albertans beyond photo-ops and some extra cash, without dealing with the fundamental issues.

“It is time for a concerted effort to harmonize the economic and social policies for all Albertans.”

No issue is single-faceted. Albertans are concerned about the economy and our most vulnerable. It is time government policy reflected these concerns. A panel that includes people from vulnerable communities and studies world-leading policies is key to ensuring that is the case.