Alberta Party Caucus Weekly Wrapup
While the business of the legislature might be the highest profile part of an MLA's job, most of their time is spent in their constituency.
Whether spending time supporting local organizations or knocking on doors, our caucus knows that the most important job is understanding and responding to the challenges facing everyday Albertans.
This week we are sharing a behind the scenes look at what our MLAs are up to when they aren't in Edmonton.
We will be back in session next week, so expect more updates on what's happening in the legislature!
Our Caucus members shared their experiences ....
MLA Rick Fraser visited a reception by the Alberta Teacher's Association and discussed improvements to our education system.
Rainforest Alberta hosted an event looking at improving Calgary's innovation ecosystem, and MLA Karen McPherson was there to take part.
MLA Greg Clark attended the RESET Society open house along with MLA Karen McPherson. RESET provides programs and support for women exiting sexual exploitation and trafficking.