Alberta Party Candidate Calls for Independent Inquiry into Misuse of Photo Radar Cameras

Richard Su


Alberta Party Candidate Calls for Independent Inquiry into Misuse of Photo Radar Cameras


April 8, 2019 - Edmonton


In general, photo speed cameras are placed in areas of perceived need, accident clusters, to promote traffic safety, based upon an assessment by municipal departments and local law enforcement.


The routine process by which photo radar speed cameras are placed along our streets, roads and highways is incompatible with the recent discovery that to a large extent, the placement of photo radar cameras has had everything to do with raising revenue, but precious little to do with traffic safety.


After the shocking news broke widely in the press, every level of government involved in this potentially scandalous behaviour, including Premier Rachel Notley, has issued a statement that for all practical purposes reads: ‘that there was no collusion’.


Jonathan Dai, Alberta Party candidate for Edmonton-Whitemud, is calling for an independent inquiry into this affair.  Dai stated, “It is evident, that some municipalities have become dependant on the revenue generated by photo radar and have consequently set their budgets based upon annual projections of the photo radar revenue stream”.


Municipalities find photo radar more palatable politically, than having to increase their tax base.


“However, avoiding the reality of an increase in the tax base does not, in any way, justify the use of photo radar as a form of taxation, or as a blatant cash grab.” 


“Individuals made these decisions under the ‘colour of authority’, using the machinery of government to extract nearly 100 million dollars from the citizens of our two largest, albeit cash-challenged cities, Calgary and Edmonton, over the past year, alone.”  A Dai campaign spokesperson commented.


“However, it is also clear that we do not wish to pre-judge the independent inquiry that we are calling for.” Dai remarked, “But at the same time, it is a principle of our way of doing things in this province, that we do not allow those who extract money from Albertans outside of proper and legal means, to keep the proceeds of their wrongdoing.”


“I am calling for an independent inquiry to look into this rather shocking state of affairs, concerning photoradar cameras and the intent of their use and the logic behind their placement.” Dai concluded.


The Alberta Party is committed to improving the lives of Albertans.


For more information, or to arrange an interview:

Jonathan Dai, Alberta Party Candidate forEdmonton-Whitemud: [email protected]

P: 780721 6183