Alberta Party Calls for Action in Oil and Gas Crisis
November has turned out to be an ugly and difficult month for our struggling oil and gas sector. Because of a massive price differential, we're only getting approximately 20 cents on the dollar for our oil. Our precious oil is now the cheapest in the world. This means that Alberta and Canada is losing out on billions in potential royalties.
It’s a national crisis and our Alberta Party caucus is calling on the government to reduce production until prices recover. “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Alberta Party MLA Greg Clark told 660 NEWS earlier this week. “We are literally giving away our most valuable natural resource for free, I think it’s time for the provincial government to consider curtailing production for at least a short period of time, to increase prices and keep Albertans working.”
Our party is also questioning why the NDP government seems to be studying this crisis to death by striking yet another panel (including appointing NDP loyalist Brian Topp) instead of acting today.