Aisha Rauf is a teacher, artist, community volunteer and small business owner. The married mother of three is running to represent Edmonton-Rutherford because she wants to help build a stronger, kinder and more prosperous province not just for her daughters but all Albertans.
Aisha holds a Bachelors in Social Work, Masters in Arts in English Literature, an ESL teaching diploma, MPhil Linguistics and is currently waiting to defend her PhD Linguistics thesis. She believes deeply in public service, helping others and equality for all and regularly promotes various causes such as gender equality and women empowerment.
A member of Edmonton’s South Asian community, Aisha has helped organize various fundraisers to help build community projects since 2000.
Aisha has held senior positions in numerous non-profit organizations, including General Secretary for Multi-Cultural Association of Alberta (MAA), Co-Chair, Canadian Peace Initiative-Edmonton Chapter and Director-Red Shoes Society. She is currently on leave as an Alberta Party Provincial Director. Aisha also volunteers at Vernon Bardford Junior High School and Greenfield Elementary School.