Good Afternoon,

Welcome to the Members’ Weekly Digest, a newsletter that summarises news, events and activities in one place for Alberta Party members.

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Leader's Update

Update from Jacquie Fenske

Hear Jacquie’s take on the news this week in Alberta.

All I could think about this week when I looked at the political scene was trust. It’s something I have stressed before, but this week it seemed especially important.

The Premier was right about one thing - Albertans are stepping up and our vaccine rates are something to be proud of. But we need every Albertan who can, to get the shot. If Albertans don’t trust the government, that could slow down the vaccine rollout.

Without leadership, there can be no trust. The ability for the Premier to lead the province was called into question repeatedly this week.

Stay Safe,

Upcoming Events

May 20 at 7:00 pm, Let’s Talk: A Forum on Alberta’s Draft Curriculum

Join Shadow Cabinet Minister Neil Korotash and the Camrose CA Board to discuss the draft Alberta Curriculum.

RSVP to Attend

May 25 at 7:00 pm, Alberta Party 101

Join Alberta Party President Conrad Guay and learn more about the Alberta Party. This is a great event to share with people who have expressed interest in the party and have questions.

RSVP to Attend

June 22 at 7:30 pm, Let’s Talk Municipal Issues

Rescheduled from May 11. Please re-RSVP to attend.

Shadow Cabinet and several Municipal Affairs experts from around Alberta to talk about what vibrant thriving communities could look like and how we could get there.

RSVP to Attend

All Alberta Party events are listed on the events page.

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Count me in!

This Week in Alberta


UCP caucus chair Todd Loewen and UCP MLA Drew Barnes were kicked out of the UCP caucus over their calls for Kenney to resign.

This is the latest example of fractures in the UCP as more members are publicly expressing their disapproval of Kenney.


Alberta’s Justice Minister showed what is wrong with politics this week. In a Facebook post, he accused the NDP and federal Liberals of wanting an overrun healthcare system for political reasons.

The Minister eventually apologized, but his statement is not enough. The Premier must ask for the Minister’s resignation.

Read the full Alberta Party statement.


The role of coal in the province’s economy has been a contentious issue, and the Alberta Party has been discussing it at length.

This week, CBC ran a story that some bighorn sheep are contaminated with selenium due to old coal mines. The article states that the Alberta government ignored the research.

The UCP government was not transparent when it proposed new coal developments in the Rockies, and research like this only emphasizes the importance of transparency.


Recent disputes between the UCP and the NDP show that Albertans need leadership that will advocate for the best policies and not get bogged down in partisan hostility. The UCP and NDP have disagreed on whether the Legislature should sit in-person or virtually.

In April, the Premier insisted that the Legislature should sit in-person while the NDP wanted virtual sittings.

This week, the positions were reversed, putting on display the extreme partisanship that is failing Albertans. The spring sitting for the Legislature is suspended until after the May long weekend.

Want to see the latest Alberta Party news before Sunday? Check out our news page throughout the week for updates.

Interesting Read

The arts and culture sector in Alberta is worth more than just money. It is a way of life for tens of thousands and enriches our province. The Calgary Herald ran a story talking about the impact COVID-19 has had on those involved in the sector.

Public Engagement

Here is a way to give the government feedback through their public engagement online:

Get Involved with the Party

Are you on Instagram? Every week we post a video from Jacquie and sharing that video on your story would really help expand our reach.

We are recruiting volunteers with HTML experience. Is that you? Let our comms team know! Email us!

On Facebook? Check out the Alberta Party profile picture frame! Go to your profile picture and click add frame — search for Alberta Party and click apply.

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If you have any questions or concerns, you can get in touch by replying to this email or using the button below.

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See you next week,

Alberta Party Team

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