1 Week to Go

Mark Nikota

April 09, 2019


Well its been a busy week and there's only 1 week left:

We've had forums in Stettler, Drumheller and Consort so far with Hanna (10th) and Oyen (11th) to go.

I did a tour of the East country (Youngstown, Cereal, Oyen, Consort and Veteran) rural AB is on board with the party!

We took a night at the Hanna Learning Center Fundraiser in Hanna.

There was the trade show in Provost.

Our Leader Stephen made a tour stop in Hanna and we visited with Prairie Land School Division.

And a highlight for me of this campaign so far was a stop at the grade 5/6 class in Veteran, the kids have it right, politics should be about people, not fighting. Good for them!

1 week to go!